Join Us
Green Dot - Irish Design Makers is all about beautiful, ethically-made Irish Craft and Design and the amazing people, living in our towns and communities, that make it all possible.
If you have been nurturing and honing your skills to create something really special, we would just love to hear from you. We know it can be so scary and nerve-wracking when sending your work out into the real world and it is a tricky business when working out pricing, branding etc. and we really appreciate all the time and effort involved!!
Of course, our space is limited and some types of work do not fit with what we do but it has been a privilege to showcase the work of so many talented people and we hope to keep building on the great reaction and brilliant public support that we've received so far.
So, if you would like to get involved and think you and your products are ready, please send us an email with 'New Maker' in the subject line, tell us a bit about yourself and your products and a link to your website/social media. We will get back to you as soon as we can.
Thanks and best of luck with your work,
Lisa and the Green Dot team.